Luxor Cultural Palace playhouse, Egypt.

Performed By Luxor Theater Club Ensemble Playwright: Mohammad Mousa Director: Jamal Ismail Scenographer: Dalia Farah Plot The events take place in Upper Egypt and revolve around the idea of revenge and hostility that leads to vengeance. Successive generations are plunged into a cycle of bloodshed and grudge that destroys the lives of the people trapped in that circle. The events of the play evolve through three axes/characters that motivate the events. Jamila, who is striving with all her might to avenge the murder of her father, the leader of the Maharinah tribe; whom was murdered by Hamed, the leader of al-Hamadnah tribe - and Hassan's older brother. Jamila actually kills Hamed on the night of their wedding. Hassan is now responsible for revenge and retribution, but he categorically rejects the idea of ​​murder and bloodshed. The third axis is Fawz the gypsy fortune teller. She had an affair with Jaber, whom doesn’t see her as a potential wife. He takes by force their new born son and kills him so their affair wouldn’t exposed. Fawz is hopeless and bitter and seeks revenge on everyone. She appears as a main driver of events as she affects everyone, so we witness her throwing her ropes on Jamila as she sits in front of her mirror, waiting for Hamed – the groom, who was forced by fate to an inevitable death. The murder of Jamila's father began a torrid blood-bath, and the events continue. The writer used the Upper Egyptian colloquial dialect to give the Upper Egyptian imprint to the theatrical text.

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The play was performed 20-26 March, 2014, and participated in the Festival of Theater Clubs in Upper Egypt region, and it was performed on April 27, 2014.

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Design Plates & Production Photos
Design Plates & Production Photos
Design Plates & Production Photos
Design Plates & Production Photos
Design Plates & Production Photos
Design Plates & Production Photos
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